Wednesday 29 May 2013

Dialogue and Contract Bookings

Almost all the noise on the web focuses on individual travellers and their interaction with reviews, but what about your other sources of business?

We have many clients who source much of their business from the corporate/contract channel - and here we examine the help that Dialogue can be.

Pitching and negotiation

Having Dialogue reinforces your commitment to customer service. It provides evidence of customer satisfaction. Time and again we hear that 'contracts are won on price', but we both know there's more to it than that; the client wants to know there will be no backlash from their client(s), great reviews make that backlash much less likely, having great reviews and a mechanism for unhappy guests to voice directly to the hotel makes it even less likely

Retaining custom

Great feedback from the contract client's guests makes winning the renegotiation much more likely. Showing actual reviews and out-turns from Resolution - where the guest has had whatever issue raised managed to their satisfaction - reinforces the hotel's position

From the contractor's viewpoint 

Corporates are impressed by efficient and effective CRM. It means less concern that their clients are going to feed back negative experiences to them

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