Tuesday 20 March 2018

Are your Google reviews undermining your marketing?

We see so many examples of this. But first let's look at what a customer journey should look like...

First, the business markets itself...

Next, the potential customer, responds to that marketing - often as not by searching for the business online...

Then they either...
  • feel confident enough to make contact or
  • visit the business's website, where they will find...


 Reassurance that the reviews are independently verified alongside evidence - equally reassuring - that anyone at all can write a review

But this is what so many look like (marketing email received this morning)...

 Followed by this in search...

It has been proven that click-throughs drop for every 0.1 a business's score drops below 5.0 - for every 0.1!

Now, before you leap to the conclusion that so many potential customers are bound to - that the business is as bad as its Google score/negative reviewers say - pause and remind yourself of that central tenet of review management...

"If the business is not proactive then the way is clear for its minority of dissatisfied customers to dominate its image"

...but what is beyond doubt is that it is each business's responsibility to find a solution to this crucial aspect of their marketing. And, as HelpHound clients - like Greene & Co - know, that solution is just a call away. Phone Fiona Christie or Karen Hutchings on 0207 100-2233 and they will set you on the road to impressing your potential customers.

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