Sunday 7 August 2016

HelpHound in 2016

In 2016 we provide our clients with an ever more comprehensive solution to reviews and review management.

Note: whilst we have used estate agency for the examples that follow, they apply equally to any and every business, from accountancy to zoos.

Taking our clients from this (on their own websites)...

To this...

And this...

From this (on Google)...

To this...

And this...

And this (on mobile)... 

And this (on Facebook)...

From this (in organic search)...

To this...

There is only one way your business can tick all of these boxes...

  • Your own independently verified reviews on your own website
  • Great Google reviews
  • Star Ratings in organic search
...and that is by being a member of HelpHound

  1. Google reviews: In theory a business can do one of the above three functions for itself: it can invite customers to write reviews to Google. But even in this respect, HelpHound adds value: our clients get reviews to their own websites before they ask their customers to copy them to Google. In doing so they give themselves, and their customers, a crucial opportunity to correct inaccuracies and misapprehensions: providing prospective customers with an even more accurate picture - on their own websites and on Google
  2. The customer journey: it is important to understand how your potential customers consume reviews. In non-specific (e.g. 'business' in 'locality') search it goes: 'Google the type of business combined with the location - read the Google reviews - be impressed - visit the business's own website - be impressed again - contact the business or make the purchase
  3. Negative reviews: While HelpHound membership will not work unless a business is committed to high standards of customer service, we recognise that no business is perfect - and that some customers are less than perfect as well! - so all negative reviews are first offered to the business for comment. By joining HelpHound the business commits to responding in 100% of cases, benefiting both business and consumer. The reviewer always has the option to post their review after the business has responded - currently just under 3% do so
  4. Time and effort: Sometimes prospective clients assume that results like these are a result of a considerable amount of time-consuming effort. You should be reassured  that any well-managed business should be able to incorporate review management quickly and effectively - with results coming just as swiftly. For a detailed example see this case history
  5. Review Management: It's a relatively recent discipline. Before review management a business's only option was DIY. But that meant hours of research and the difficult choice of 'which review site to commit to?' With HelpHound we do all the research and you retain ownership of your reviews. We are your professional advisers in the same way as your lawyers or accountant. If we think there is a review site that's important for you - such as TripAdvisor for our hotel clients - we will be the first to advise you
  6. And finally: Our service to you: one of the aspects of membership that is often commented upon is the backup we provide for our clients. This email from Paul Grover of Winkworth sums this up far better than we could ourselves:

If you have any more questions just call - 020 7100-2233 - or email Karen Hutchings - or Fiona Christie - - and they will answer them.

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