Monday 25 September 2017

Rightmove: get reviews to Google and your own site

This today from the Rightmove 'Home Movers' survey:

'Where reviews were read, most (42%) were on Google, followed by agents’ own website (36%), Trustpilot (11%), allAgents (6%) and Feefo (2%).'

And what has HelpHound been saying all along? 

'Concentrate on getting reviews to your own website and to Google'

Thank you for confirming this advice, Rightmove: 78% (42% Google + 36% business's own site) plays 11%, 6% and 2%. 

That is how we generate results like these for our clients:

 This screenshot is taken from the new Google my Business email - sent monthly from this September - to all those businesses that have reviews on Google (and is published here with permission from Curchods). The numbers - plus 18% for calls and plus 27% for visits show the immediate one-off uplift for a single branch resulting from HelpHound implementation

It's common-sense really, but it is surprising just how many businesses have persisted - until now - with ploughing on the stony ground of independent sites.


Some readers will be off like a shot to Google at this point, but we suggest you pause to consider why well-respected businesses like Curchods use HelpHound.

Without independent review management your business will lack:
  • any mechanism to head off inaccurate or misleading reviews
  • star ratings, scores or 'Reviews from the web' in Google organic search - see below
  • ongoing advice on how to maximise the potential of reviews to drive your business forwards

And all for the price of a smartphone contract? Call us and well tell you everything you need to know to mobilise the power of review management for your business.

Further reading:

Here's the full article on PIE. In it you will note the following:

"A whopping 70% of potential vendors and landlords do not read online reviews."

So you might expect us to react with a justification for reviews. Far from it, because that statistic is simply a reflection of the fact that the overwhelming majority of estate agents are not showing their prospective fee-payers any reviews at all (or are subscribing to one of the 'invisible' reviews sites mentioned in the article, which amounts to the same thing). 

 Consumers are not going to reference reviews as an influencing factor if the businesses in question look like this:

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