Wednesday 31 January 2018

Results - and how to measure them

Until recently you, and we, were reliant on anecdotal evidence - like this...

...and this...

...from the 'front line' to gauge just how well your review management strategy was performing. Now there has been a significant move by Google that helps us both.

They have introduced Google My Business reports. Here's ours (so you can see what their email looks like in your inbox)...

...and here's one for a client of ours that they have kindly agreed for us to publish...

The single most important thing about this report for Curchods is that it has shown - in hard numbers - the uplift in calls and visits since they implemented HelpHound (that's why their marketing director sent us this screenshot).

It will be the same for every business that joins from now on. Measurable results.


If you are uncertain as to who in your office is in receipt of this report (as so many businesses often are) just speak to Karen Hutchings here at HelpHound and she will explain how to establish exactly whose inbox it is in.

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