Monday 4 December 2023

HelpHound fees - 2024

As clients know, we have held our fees since well before the onset COVID-19 (we also reduced them by fifty per cent for the duration of the pandemic). For 2024 we are introducing a new fee scale - this will reward clients that...

  • achieve critical mass with both their own and Google reviews
  • recommend us to other businesses

The basic* fee scale is as follows...

Joining, set-up and implementation                                  £ 495

Monthly                                                                             £ 349
until 100 reviews on own site and 50 on Google

Monthly, after the above numbers are achieved               £ 245

Hourly advisory fee**                                                        £ 295                                                

Drafting an appeal against a Google review                     £ 200-500   

Important Notes:

  1. 'Joining, set-up and implementation' includes everything from supplying the code for your web designer to enable them to implement our API (or module) on your website to advising your business how best to train your management and staff to achieve the optimum results from your membership.
  2. The monthly fee includes full moderation of every review submitted via your website or any other mechanism - your email to your customer inviting them to submit their review, for instance - and full support by our client services team from 9-5 on every weekday as well as an emergency number to contact us outside those hours.
  3. The reduced monthly fee reflects the fact that once these numbers are achieved you and your management and staff are likely to need far less input from HelpHound - you will have achieved critical mass on both your own website and on Google, where the positive results of Professional Review Management really begin to bear fruit: increased enquiries through both your own website and through Google search.
  4. Drafting a Google appeal: the chances of you needing this service after you have joined HelpHound are much reduced (our moderation will ensure that) but in cases where a customer - or another poster: a disappointed applicant or a competitor - writes a review, direct to Google, that contravenes their terms of service we will use our extensive experience to draft an appeal to Google.
  5. *The fees outlined above are 'per location' and assume a flow of reviews to the business's website of <= 30 per calendar month. In instances of businesses with multiple locations/branches a scale of reduced fees will be applicable. In cases where review flows average significantly in excess of 30 per month, fees will be agreed on a case-by-case between HelpHound and our client.
  6. **Advisory fees: these are charged when a business requires detailed advice on integrating review management with its CRM processes. They are not charged for the initial consultation - unless we are invited to meet at the business's location - and are waived entirely in cases where HelpHound's own software (API) is implemented as part of the recommended solution.
  7. If travel outside the M25 London Orbital is required, both time and out-of-pocket expenses will be charged.

Initial meetings

We will begin with an online meeting to establish your business's exact requirements, during which we will agree on a strategy for implementation and training. In the majority of cases this meeting - which is free - will be all that we both need to progress to full implementation. 

Recommending HelpHound

As any business knows, some of the best new clients often come by recommendation from existing clients. In this case, HelpHound credits the recommending business with 25% of the fees invoiced to the recommended business for the first year of membership. 

Further reading
  • Partnering with HelpHound - a great way to help non-competitive business contacts and add an income stream for your own business

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